08 Nov

Cow clostrum can be a good supplement for the week body. In case you are suffering from Painful Leg cramps you ought to follow a strict diet and exercise routine to get rid of the same. Similar to any other body issues, there is a way to get rid of the Painful urination management also. Here we are with the tips to maintain healthy bladder.

Have enough water and avoid caffeine

You ought to drink at least six to eight glasses of fluid each day. There can be no fluid that is better than water. Water is best for your bladder health. At least half of the fluid that your intake needs to be water. Apart from this, you must limit alcohol as well as caffeine use. You must avoid the caffeinated foods as well as drinks that include coffee, tea, chocolate as well as sodas. Besides this you must also quit smoking. If you do, then start quitting it step by step.

Avoid falling a prey to constipation

You must eat a lot of high-fiber foods that include whole grains, vegetables as well as fruits besides drinking enough water. Apart from this, you need to remain physically very active as it can help prevent constipation. You need to maintain a decent weight. This you can accomplish by having a healthy food choice and by exercising regularly. This prevents the bladder problems besides constipation on a large scale.

Go in for pelvic floor muscle exercises

Pelvic floor exercises are very important to maintain the health of your bladder. These exercises are also known as Kegel exercises. Such exercises help you to hold urine in the bladder. Doing these exercises on a daily basis can strengthen these muscles that further helps to keep urine from leaking while you sneeze, cough, lift, laugh, or in cases where you have a sudden and a desperate urge to urinate. Make use of washrooms more often and immediately when you need them.

All in all, these are the tips to maintain healthy bladder. Following these tips will help you get rid of all the urination problems.

Source : https://sites.google.com/site/nocturnalcrampsmedicine/tips-to-maintain-healthy-bladder

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